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What is a dental filling? A dental filling is a way to restore a small cavity on a tooth. A filling may be recommended before the tooth begins experiencing any symptoms, such as sensitivity to cold or sweets. There are different materials that can be used for fillings: Composite Resin and Amalgam. Once the cavity is removed, the tooth is prepared for the filling. Composite resin is tooth-colored and requires bonding for retention, whereas Amalgam is silver in color and has mechanical retention. If done properly and kept clean, dental fillings can last many years. How long will a filling take? An average filling takes 30 minutes to complete. If the filling is quite large or there are multiple fillings expect to be in the chair for 1 hour. Will it hurt? If a filling is very small or does not go past the enamel, numbing may not be needed. Most fillings require local anesthetic, therefore the tooth and surrounding areas will be numb during the procedure and the patient should not feel any discomfort. The tooth will be tested before beginning to assess if the anesthetic has been successful. Some patients require different amounts of numbing. If any discomfort is felt, tell the dentist immediately. More anesthetic may be needed. What should I expect after treatment? Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. It is not abnormal for teeth to be sensitive for a week or two depending on the size of a cavity. It is recommended to baby the side that the tooth was worked on for the first few days following treatment. The gums around the area or at the injection site may be sore or tender. Rinsing with warm salt water can help the soft tissue heal faster. Over the counter anti-inflammatories, such as Motrin (Advil), are helpful in reducing post-operative discomfort. After the anesthesia wears off and after a few days of chewing on the side where the filling was placed, patients may feel like their bite is still “off” or experience a sharp pain when biting down. If this is the case, the filling could still be high and will need to be adjusted. Make sure to call to have the filling evaluated.

general dentistry



What is a dental crown? A crown may be required when a cavity is too large for the tooth to support a filling. You can think of a crown like a “cap” that supports the tooth by covering its surface. There are different materials that are used for crowns such as, Zirconia, Gold, and Metal layered with Porcelain. The type of material recommended depends on which tooth requires the crown and what the surroundings of that tooth are. How long will a crown take? Plan to be in the chair for about one and a half hours. Will it hurt? Crowns require local anesthetic. The tooth and surrounding areas will be numb and the patient should not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The tooth will be tested before beginning to assess if the anesthetic has been successful. Some patients require different amounts of numbing. If any discomfort is felt, tell the dentist immediately. More anesthetic may be needed. What should I expect after treatment? Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. It is not abnormal for teeth to be sensitive for a week or two depending on the severity of the work. It is recommended to baby the side that the tooth was worked on for the first few days following treatment. The gums around the area or at the injection site may be sore or tender. Rinsing with warm salt water can help the soft tissue heal faster. Over the counter anti-inflammatories, such as Motrin, are helpful in reducing post-operative discomfort. Most dental offices require the patient to be in a temporary crown while the dental laboratory fabricates the custom crown. This takes around 2 weeks. It is important that the patient follows the instructions from the dental staff and avoids eating anything crunchy or sticky on the temporary. If the temporary becomes dislodged, call the office right away to have the crown replaced. Teeth and soft tissue can shift, potentially making the permanent crown not fit properly. After the anesthesia wears off and after a few days of chewing on the side where the crown was placed, patients may feel like their bite is still “off” or experience a sharp pain when biting down. If this is the case, the crown could still be high and will need to be adjusted. Make sure to call to have the crown evaluated. What is cracked tooth syndrome? Though teeth are very strong, they are subject to breaking or cracking. If excessive force is placed on a tooth (trauma or long-term grinding habits) cracks can occur. These cracks cannot usually be diagnosed with a traditional dental x-ray. They are usually diagnosed by symptoms (sharp or tingling sensation to biting) or during a visual exam. A crown is diagnosed for a cracked tooth and is meant to support the tooth and keep the crack from propagating down toward the root of the tooth. If the tooth is still experiencing symptoms this means the crack has involved the nerve and/or root of the tooth and a root canal may be required to resolve the symptoms. In severe cases the tooth may not be saved and may need to be extracted.



What is a dental bridge? A bridge is a permanent option used when replacing a tooth. For a bridge to be an option, the missing tooth must have a stable tooth on either side of it to support the bridge. Much like a crown, a bridge covers the adjacent teeth and are linked together to replace the missing tooth. A bridge is considered when a patient is not interested in or is not a candidate for an implant. How long will a bridge take? Plan to be in the chair for a total time of two hours. Will it hurt? Bridges require local anesthetic. The teeth and surrounding areas will be numb and the patient should not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The teeth will be tested before beginning to assess if the anesthetic has been successful. Some patients require different amounts of numbing. If any discomfort is felt, tell the dentist immediately. More anesthetic may be needed. What should I expect after treatment? Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. It is not abnormal for teeth to be sensitive for a week or two depending on the severity of the work. It is recommended to baby the side that the tooth was worked on for the first few days following treatment. The gums around the area or at the injection site may be sore or tender. Rinsing with warm salt water can help the soft tissue heal faster. Over the counter anti-inflammatories, such as Motrin, are helpful in reducing post-operative discomfort. Most dental offices require the patient to be in a temporary bridge while the dental laboratory fabricates the custom bridge. This takes around 2 weeks. It is important that the patient follows the instructions from the dental staff and avoids eating anything crunchy or sticky on the temporary. If the temporary becomes dislodged, call the office right away. Teeth and soft tissue can shift, potentially making the permanent bridge not fit properly. After the anesthesia wears off and after a few days of chewing on the side where the bridge was placed, patients may feel like their bite is still “off” or experience a sharp pain when biting down. If this is the case, the bridge could still be high and will need to be adjusted. Make sure to call to have the area evaluated.


Root Canal Treatment

What is a root canal? A root canal is a treatment that removes the nerve of the tooth to alleviate pain and/or bacteria. The tooth itself is still there, just the nerve has been removed. When this is done, the tooth becomes brittle and a crown is required to support it, especially on back teeth. If a lot of tooth structure was lost to the cavity or trauma, a post is placed inside to internally support the tooth. Because the tooth no longer has a nerve after root canal treatment, symptoms cannot be relied on to show signs of concern. It is, therefore, important to monitor the tooth with regular x-rays and exams to ensure the root canal is not failing. How long will a root canal take? Depending on the tooth and if there is an infection, plan to be in the chair for one and a half hours. Root canals may require more than one appointment to complete. Will it hurt? Root canals are performed under local anesthetic. The tooth and surrounding areas will be numb. The tooth will be tested before treatment begins to assess the success of the anesthetic. If the tooth has an infection the area is harder to numb and treatment may be postponed until antibiotics have been started. What should I expect after treatment? Every tooth is unique and responds to root canal treatment differently. Expect to be sore in the area, like a bruise. It is a traumatic experience for a tooth and inflammation is normal post treatment. Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. It is recommended to baby the side that the tooth was worked on for the first few days following treatment. The gums around the area or at the injection site may be sore or tender. Rinsing with warm salt water can help the soft tissue heal faster. Prescription antibiotics and pain medication may be prescribed at the patient’s visit. Make sure to inform the dentist of any allergies.



If a tooth is not restorable it will need to be extracted, or removed entirely. This could be due to a crack, infection, trauma or extensive tooth decay. How long will an extraction take? Depending on the tooth, integrity of it, and density of the supporting bone extraction difficulty and time can vary. Will it hurt? Teeth are extracted under local or general anesthetic. The tooth and surrounding areas will be numb. If there is a large infection, it can be harder to numb, and a series of antibiotics may need to be started before the extraction can be attempted. What should I expect after treatment? The surgeon will give the patient specific instructions of what to do and not do. It is important not to: smoke, drink through a straw or eat anything hard or chewy on the side that the implant was placed. Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. An antimicrobial rinse is usually given and rinsing with warm salt water can be done to keep the area clean, but only when the surgeon says it is okay to do so. Sutures may be placed in the area of the extraction. It is important not to play with the sutures. If they are resorbable, they may fall out on their own, but call the dental office if this occurs within a week following the extraction. Ice can be placed in the area to help with inflammation, but only for 20 minutes at a time. An antibiotic and pain medication will be prescribed at your visit. Do I have to replace a missing tooth? The three options for replacing a tooth are implant, bridge and denture (if the patient is a candidate for each). The fourth option is to do nothing. Teeth do tend to shift toward the direction of the missing tooth, however, and can cause other issues, such as food traps, gum infections, and loss of adjacent teeth. It is important to understand that without a tooth or an implant integrated into the bone, the bone can continue to be lost over time, making other options less reliable.

general dentistry



What are dentures? Dentures are another option for replacing teeth. A partial denture replaces 1 or more teeth in an arch and utilizes the remaining teeth to anchor from. Complete dentures replace all teeth in an arch and require adequate bone to keep the dentures from shifting. Denture adhesives can be used to temporarily keep the denture in place. In some cases, implants can be placed to support dentures. An immediate denture is one that replaces teeth immediately following extractions. Partial and complete dentures are removable and should be taken out at night to allow for the tissue to breath and decrease likelihood of infection to occur under the appliance. It is important to clean the denture regularly (using a non-abrasive soap and brush) as well as the anchoring teeth in the case of a partial denture. How long will it take to get a denture? If an immediate denture is being placed, it is fabricated 2 weeks before the teeth are extracted and delivered at the same appointment as the extractions. For other dentures a few appointments may be required to ensure proper bite and fit before completing the fabrication of the denture. A few appointments may be needed after delivery to adjust any sore spots that may arise. Will it hurt? Getting a new denture is like getting a new shoe. There is some getting used to and there will be some areas that rub. These areas may need time to adjust, others may need to be adjusted. Do not hesitate to let your dentist know if the denture is rubbing or pinching in areas. What should I expect after treatment? After delivery of an immediate denture, follow the instructions of the surgeon performing the extractions. The immediate denture is meant to be like a bandaid for the patient to heal around. It is therefore important to wear it for 24-72 hours as much as possible, only taking it out to clean. As stated above, dentures take some getting used to and may require adjustments to reduce any sore spots.



What is a dental implant? If a tooth is lost, or never erupted, an implant is a popular option to replace the tooth. Because dental bridges require the adjacent teeth, implants tend to be preferable since they are less invasive on the other dentition. After healing from an extraction and it has been established that there is enough bone to support an implant, it can be placed. Usually 3-6 months of healing must take place before the implant can be loaded with a crown. Once the implant is functional a patient can chew and floss regularly. It is important to clean the implant and crown as directed by the dental staff to ensure its longevity. How long will an implant take? The placement of an implant is not a very long procedure, but will depend on the surgeon placing and if any additional procedures are needed. Will it hurt? Implant placement can be completed under local or general anesthetic. There will be inflammation and possibly bruising in the area. Follow the post operative instructions and call the surgeon’s office if there is a lot of postoperative pain. What should I expect after treatment? The surgeon will give the patient specific instructions of what to do and not do. It is important not to: smoke, drink through a straw or eat anything hard or chewy on the side that the implant was placed. Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. An antimicrobial rinse is usually given and rinsing with warm salt water can be done to keep the area clean, but only when the surgeon says it is okay to do so. Sutures may be placed in the area of the extraction. It is important not to play with the sutures. If they are resorbable, they may fall out on their own, but call the dental office if this occurs within a week following the extraction. Ice can be placed in the area to help with inflammation, but only for 20 minutes at a time. An antibiotic and pain medication will be prescribed at your visit.



What is invisalign? Invisalign are clear aligners that are used to straighten teeth. Clear aligners are sometimes preferred by patients because they replace the metal brackets and wire. Invisalign may require attachments, which are tooth colored buttons that direct and allow for additional movement on a tooth (much like a bracket). Interproximal reduction, known as IPR, may also be prescribed. This is minimal reshaping on the teeth to allow room for the teeth to shift into their new position. Does Invisalign hurt? Teeth will be sore during the initial movement. The trays take some getting used to as they may rub on the soft tissue in the beginning. This will improve over time, but let your dentist know if something feels off. How long will Invisalign take? The length of treatment depends on how many trays are required. The number of trays is dictated by how much movement is needed. Patients wear each aligner for 2 weeks before graduating to the next tray. What should I expect after treatment? After completing Invisalign it is important to wear retainers to keep the teeth from shifting back. Retainers should be worn as often as trays for the first few months, and then at night time.



What is a dental veneer? A veneer is a cosmetic procedure that adheres a dental ceramic to the facial surface of front teeth to improve esthetics. Some preparation of the tooth is required. Veneers can sometimes be recommended if a tooth is chipped enough that it cannot withstand a filling, but does not require a crown. Patients may not be a candidate for veneers if they are heavy grinders or have habits such as biting nails. How long will veneers take? The time it takes for veneers depends on how many are being done. Plan to be in the char for about an hour for two veneers. Will it hurt? Veneers are fairly non-invasive, though numbing is still required when prepping for veneers. What should I expect after treatment? Patients should avoid eating until the numbness wears off to avoid trauma to their soft tissue. It is not abnormal for teeth to be sensitive after treatment. The gums around the area or at the injection site may be sore or tender. Rinsing with warm salt water can help the soft tissue heal faster. Over the counter anti-inflammatories, such as Motrin, are helpful in reducing post-operative discomfort. Most dental offices require the patient to have temporary veneers while the dental laboratory fabricates the final veneers. This takes around 2 weeks. It is important that the patient follows the instructions from the dental staff and avoids biting into anything hard.

Cosmetic dentistry



What is teeth whitening? Tooth whitening uses a hydrogen peroxide gel to lighten the existing shade of the natural tooth without removing any of the tooth surface. It is important to note that if the tooth has a restoration, such as a filling or crown, the restorative material will not change color. In office whitening is done with a light. This light adds heat to the whitening gel, acting as a catalyst to allow the hydrogen peroxide gel to whiten teeth more effectively in less time. It is critical to use the proper peroxide concentration as well as temperature of heat. Too much heat can cause damage to the nerve of the tooth, so it is important to seek professional whitening systems. We use GLO Science professional whitening systems, which can be used at home. GLO is the only teeth whitening technology with a controlled illuminating heat mouthpiece for the fastest results and optimal patient comfort without dehydration or rebound. Does whitening hurt? Professional teeth whitening may cause sensitivity or discomfort in some cases, but it should not hurt. GLO does not cause sensitivity as it is the only teeth whitening technology with a controlled illuminating heat mouthpiece for the fastest results and optimal patient comfort.


Cold Sore Laser

Low level laser therapy has been a recent treatment for herpes labialis in recent years. The laser phototherapy has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates tissue regeneration. Low level laser therapy reduces the length of recovery time and pain level and promotes the healing process. In addition, it increases skin blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and reduces edema. Laser therapy for cold sore treatments are most effective in the early stages. Seek treatment as soon as symptoms are felt. Does laser treatment hurt? During the treatment, the special laser tip never actually touches the lesion, it is held about 1/4 inch away. The laser is used until heat is felt and then stopped.




What is TMJ/TMD? TMD refers to Temporomandibular Disorder and is the terminology used by the dental profession in the discussion of the problems with the TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) and the muscles of mastication. It means TMJ symptoms, muscle pain, headaches, ringing in the ears and any and all problems associated with the jaw movement mechanisms are within this category. It can also include pain in the base of the skull, the neck, and the upper shoulders. A high percentage of TMJ problems are caused by a bad occlusion (bite). Dr. Yamamoto is a recognized authority on TMJ therapy that is related to bite problems.


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17122 Beach Blvd #202

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Tel: (714) 847-9900

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9:00AM to 6:00PM

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8:00AM to 5:00PM
Saturday (Monthly):

8:00AM to 2:00PM

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